Florists choice ~ Bouquets
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Florists choice ~ Bouquets
Florist Choice ~ Bouquets
Our bouquet are made with a selection of flowers chosen by our florist on the day you place your order.
In each bouquet style we use flowers and foliages that is in season at this time of ordering, which makes each bouquet look different.
*some important information *
Your bouquet arrangements have exposed stems, they will need to be cut straight away and placed into clean water in your chosen vase. If they are not cut and conditioned properly they might not have as long a shelf life as our Hand-Ties that come in water in our flower boxes.
The image represents colour choice only, flowers used may differ from picture options showing due to season changes or availability at time of ordering.
Our bouquet are made with a selection of flowers chosen by our florist on the day you place your order.
In each bouquet style we use flowers and foliages that is in season at this time of ordering, which makes each bouquet look different.
*some important information *
Your bouquet arrangements have exposed stems, they will need to be cut straight away and placed into clean water in your chosen vase. If they are not cut and conditioned properly they might not have as long a shelf life as our Hand-Ties that come in water in our flower boxes.
The image represents colour choice only, flowers used may differ from picture options showing due to season changes or availability at time of ordering.
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